So here's my first Blog post, probably of many, although they will most likely be sporadic as well....knowing how consistant I can be at this things! Even though K and I aren't married yet (124 days to go!) I figured I'd get a head start on our blog, especially considering we are a military couple, and who knows how many times we'll move!?!
For those of you who may only know me, or only know K let me give you a quick rundown:
K is a 2nd Lt. in the United States Air Force. He is currently training in Security Forces and is in San Antonio, Texas until September.
My name is Kim. The last name will be changing here soon :) I am currently living in Gretna, Nebraska and am just working and looking for a more permanent job for when we move to Bellevue.
We met two years ago in a summer school course (he was my lab partner). K proposed a year ago and our wedding day is soon approaching (although not fast enough!)
I am so ready to have my darling home. Although I am also very blessed that he is in a place where we can talk on a somewhat consistant basis. He will be home so soon, and I can hardly wait!!
Well, that's probably it for tonight, I'll try and post some pictures and further updates tomorrow!
Blessings to you all!
"Coincidences are merely miracles where God chooses to remain anonymous"
~Beth Moore